Page Slug
The "slug" of a page is the part that trails the domain name. It helps identify your page, and makes it easier for search engines to find.
e.g. in the URL "www.sportz.digtal/articles/read", the slug is the "articles/read" part.
Every page on your website must have a unique slug so that it can be identified by the system. The only page that does not have a slug is your home page.
Examples of page slugs might include:
- "News" page - "news" or "articles"
- "Adult competitions" page - "competitions/adults" or "comps/adults"
- "Contact Our Committee" page - "contact/committee"
Parent Page
To help your website's visitors locate the information they are looking for, you should place your page into a clear structure.
For example, if you have a page set up for each of the competitions you run, it would be silly to put them all in the top-level of your menu because it would overcrowd it for your users. Instead, you would create a "Competitions" page (leave all the content blank) and set the PARENT PAGE for each of the individial competition pages to the new Competitions page.
An effective page tree will mean that the most important information can be found quickly and easily by your websites users.