With the recent announcement from Touch Football Australia that they will moving away from their current digital technology provider, and as a consequence all associations will lose access to the free websites provided as part of that contract, KH Digital has begun work on a digital web platform to offer as a replacement for any interested local touch football association and/or club.
SportzDigital offers the following to local touch football organisations:
- A basic, modern website with a customisable colours, logos, etc.
- A simple, intuitive, and easy-to-use website editor. Basic features include:
- Normal "full" content pages;
- News articles;
- Document and link libraries;
- Form builder;
- Photo gallery;
- Extra modules, including:
- Local weather forecast/information;
- Google maps locator;
- plus more to come!
- An easy to remember website URL - choose between "you.touchfooty.club" or "you.touchfooty.asn.au";
- Built using a "mobile first" design, meaning it's made to look good on a small screen.
Optional (priced) extras:
- A unique, custom URL for your website (i.e. yourtouchassociation.com.au);
- Email addresses using the above domain/s (i.e. you@yourtouchassociation.com.au);
- Fully customised design and layout;
- Custom-built features, modules, and/or integrations with other systems/platforms.
Currently in the pipeline for development are the following features:
- Integrated fixtures/results (free and paid options will be available) -- pending available links to the new competition management system
- Integrated social media feeds (free and paid options will be available)
- Integrated news feeds (from regional, state, and national level websites) -- will allow an association to automatically add important news articles "from above" with a single click (no need to copy+paste anything).
Find out more about SportzDigital by KH Digital
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