Building Your Page's Content

SportzDigital features an advanced page builder that puts you in control of how your page will appear.

The page builder uses the following:

Blocks Contain the content of your page - the words and images. They can also contain widgets.
Widgets Little tools that allow you to access information from other pages and modules, without having to re-type or update each page everytime you change something (i.e. a list of articles that updates whenever you create a new article)
Sections Containers for blocks

Section Types
Full Width Fits the entire width of your devices screen, with no padding
Fixed Width Is a set with (determined by your device), and will be centered on the screen when viewed on a larger device (i.e. desktop computer, 4K TV, etc.)
Fixed Width (Wrapped) Is the same as "Fixed Width" but is contained withing a "Full Width" container so that you can set background styles, etc.

Block Types
Normal A normal content block, with no pre-configred style
Card A padded block that displays a shadow around it. Used best for highlighting specific content.

After creating a page, you will be able to create new sections and blocks to house your content as needed.

Once created, a block can be resized and dragged inside its section, or into other sections as needed.

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