Depending on the source of your article, you should provide attribution details to let your readers know where it has come from.
Sharing articles from other websites
- Choose "EXTERNAL SOURCE" from the ORIGINAL AUTHOR dropdown and type in the name of the author
- Enter the author's organisation, news outlet, etc. into the OUTLET box (i.e. "XYZ Sporting Association")
- Enter the original title of the source article into the ORIGINAL TITLE box.
- Paste the URL of the original article into SOURCE URL.
This will ensure that your readers know exactly who wrote the article, and where it came from, and is required for copyright.
Sharing articles from media outlets (newspapers, etc.)
- Repeat the above steps.
- Unless you have written permission to do so, DON'T paste the full article into the ARTICLE BODY section - instead put a link back to the original article. This is especially important if you are sharing a paid or "subscriber only" article; although you might be tempted to allow your readers to get around any paywalls, it would be illegal to do so.