Platform Update - 28 August, 2020


  • Nil changes


  • Refined tabs on article creation and article edit screens
  • Fixed bug where "article locking" options were not showing on new article creation screen
  • Fixed bug where "original title" and "source url" boxes were showing when internal (CMS) users were chosen as "orginal author"
  • Changed default value of source "outlet" box to be name of website, or blank if "External Source" author is chosen.
  • Fixed bug where article image "browse" button was not appearing properly
  • Fixed bug causing "display style" options to appear smaller than expected.
  • Made content input headings ("Title", "Leading Paragraph", and "Article Body") clearer to see.
  • Implemented "Livestream" tab, which appears when the "Live Matches" category is chosen
    • Added new "Match Start Date/Time" and "Match End Date/Time" input options to allow "LIVE NOW" box to appear on articles (when viewed publicly).
  • Updated Articles/Grid widget to allow future articles to be shown (if set), to take into account upcoming articles in the "live matches" category.
  • Change all  "network sharing" and "article locking" options to be checked/chosen by default.


  • Nil changes


  • Nil changes.

Social Media

  • Nil changes.


  • Nil changes


  • Nil changes

Roadmap (future features, fixes, and upgrades)

  • Integration of SD Check-In reporting
  • Website theme/style
  • Partners/Sponsors
  • User account upgrades
  • Mobile app integrations

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